I think about the above tweet often, how things turn out when you truly put in the work, just for the obsession of it, without expecting anything in return. This blog post is about a project that I started with a stranger, that changed my life.
On 2nd May 2021, I was reading some wisdom of Naval on Twitter, I used to be more active on Instagram than any other platform (Still am)
I wondered why nobody has heard of Naval on Instagram, the How to get rich tweet is the most beautiful piece of writing I’ve ever witnessed.
That’s when the idea of starting Naval’s Archive came to my head, I partnered with a stranger who later became a friend and we went full in with it.
One of us used to source the best tweets, podcast appearances, clubhouse recordings and everything that there was related to Naval. The other would put it out there for the world in the best possible way, without gaming the algorithm or people.
Fast forward to today, we are at 243k.
Later we wanted to do the same for Naval’s account, so we decided to get in touch with Naval’s team and one thing led to another and we started working on his Instagram and Youtube account.
For most things in general that turned out to be great in my life, I didn’t ask anyone, “Shall I do this?”, “Is it a good idea to pursue this?”, “Would it work?”
I just went on with it because I believed in the work I was willing to put, and I think a lot of times we tend to not believe in the work we can put and get the results from them.
We didn’t optimise anything, we just posted consistently, we didn’t seek anyone’s help, no paid promotions, no gimmicks to make people like or follow the account more. We never asked anyone to follow us.
Authenticity with consistency will beat every algorithm every time
Can you imagine it took 3 years for it to give back? What would you do for 3 years knowing you wouldn’t ever get anything out of it?
We won
Loved this. Congrats. I am subscribing!:)
This is amazing!