đŸ‘‹đŸ» Hi, I am Aniket

I started this blog in March 2019 to write about the things that I learn on day to day basis. Here you will find my writing, personal blogs and more.

Ultimately, this space is meant to be:

  1. A playground for my curiosity

  2. A papertrail of my personal progress

  3. A fun way to connect with people


I am from Pune, India. educated enough. As soon as I graduated from college I joined a fit-tech start-up as head of operations. Since it was early stage I handled almost everything. During that time I got curious about content creation, about making videos. I realised a long-term career in operations isn’t for me. So I had my role switched to Content Producer for the same start-up.

Start-up life

PFC Club is a platform that offers you a coach who works with you one-on-one for your lifestyle and helps you get fit, while I handled 100% of the backend work. I learned a lot here — about customer relationships, entrepreneurship, online biz, social media, writing good emails and SEO.

Part of my current job is to create compelling videos that people would love and associate the brand with, from this I learned that:

  1. Videos are a great way to showcase what change you’re trying to make in the world.

  2. Learning in public is very important

It motivated me to make videos and start this space.


I still handle content at the start-up I began with, on the side I am working with Naval Ravikant, Rob K Henderson for their Instagram content, and I help few individuals make video content for their personal profiles.

I also love creating UGC for brands and vehem

ently enjoy the whole process.

Outside of work, I spend my time reading, learning and making coffee.


As I end the first half of my twenties. I worry about not making the most of my time. Currently, I have a great deal of financial and professional freedom, but I know this won’t last forever.

Near-term (next 5-10 years), there are some aspirations I am aggressively pursuing. Each is centered on the thesis that, with the advent of Video Media, businesses and individuals will continue to grow in value.


  1. Depth and Breadth - Build a deep knowledge base in core areas: Human Nature, money, fitness, AI and content creation.

  2. Experience More - Increase the volume and variety of experiences: physical, social and cultural.

I’ve met some cool people through this site and hope to meet many more. Feel free to introduce yourself by emailing aniketjain.jwr@gmail.com with the subject line: "Hi, I'm [Your Name]" (I reply to every email). Or if you just want to keep up with what I'm working on, you can follow me on Instagram

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Exploring technology, society, human behavior, and fitness through my writings. Unraveling game theory and gender dynamics. Join me on this thought-provoking journey.